Seaside spirit
This coastal guest house has kitchen and dining facilities contained in a restricted footprint
In a kitchen set close to the sea, materials and tones can enhance its connection with the surroundings. A window looking directly to the ocean is another desirable inclusion.
This petite guest house stands on a sought-after stretch of coastline where building space for ancillary structures is limited to 800sq ft. Architect Mark Hutker has managed to include two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living space, kitchen and dining area within this footprint.
"We tucked the kitchen, breakfast nook and an overhead bunk space into a two-level gabled structure connected to the main part of the guest house," says Hutker. "The shape optimized use of the available floor space and helped give the kitchen and dining area an air of separation."
The kitchen's low rafter ceiling and slate flooring further define the space. And the sense of separation is extended through the shiplap siding on the exterior of this section, which runs through onto the internal face of the kitchen.
"This cladding, silvered through weathering on the exterior and a rich, warm orange on the interior, also has a nautical air," says Hutker. "There are several connections to the outdoors in this kitchen I even painted the cabinetry in gray-green to tone in with moss on nearby oaks.
"The slate floor tiles are repeated on the outdoor terrace and best of all, a window opens directly from the nook to the sea views."
The dining area seats four, the usual number accommodated in this ancillary guest house. However, most evening meals are taken with the hosts, at the main residence, limiting the requirement for substantial dinner preparation in this simple, compact kitchen.
Credit list
Kitchen manufacturer
Fittings and fixtures
Exterior and kitchen frontage
Story by: Charles Moxham
Home kitchen bathroom commercial design