


There's no need to put good design on the back burner when choosing a gas fire. Faber fires are strong on aesthetics

For ease of installation, Faber fires can be fireplace, hearth, heat, home appliance, product design, wood burning stove, white, gray
For ease of installation, Faber fires can be flued either vertically or horizontally

A renovation project provides an ideal opportunity to update your home heating along with the decor. But there's no reason why you should sacrifice your design principles to keep your home warm and cosy right through the winter.

The gas fires in the new Faber fire collection from Glen Dimplex Australasia offer a contemporary look that will enhance any modern interior. And there's enough variety in the range to suit most homes, says Brendon Massey, sales and marketing manager for Glen Dimplex.

For ease of installation, Faber fires can be fireplace, hearth, heat, home appliance, product design, wood burning stove, white, gray
For ease of installation, Faber fires can be flued either vertically or horizontally

"A fireplace will always be the focal point of a room. But it must complement the decor and styling, not cut across it," he says. "In contemporary houses, the solution might be the dramatic double-sided fire, or the wide-view Relaxed L fireplace on a cantilevered hearth. A slightly more traditional setting would be enhanced by the Spectra Nova fireplace."

Massey says Faber fires offer a number of other benefits, including the absence of fans. This means there is no fan noise to detract from the relaxing ambience.

For ease of installation, Faber fires can be fireplace, furniture, hearth, home appliance, interior design, product design, table, wood burning stove, gray
For ease of installation, Faber fires can be flued either vertically or horizontally

In addition, as the fires all have direct vent or closed combustion systems, air quality is maintained. The heating performance is also improved as the fire draws air from outside, instead of taking warm air from the room you are heating.

For details, contact Glen Dimplex Australasia, freephone 0800 666 2824. Email: sales@faberfires.co.nz. Website: www.faberfires.co.nz.

Story by: Trendsideas

11 Aug, 2008

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