With a watery hue
Cool blue tones, a ripple-patterned carpet, and a high vaulted ceiling bring a soothing, tranquil look to this master suite
Many master suites are designed to offer asense of escape. For the owners of this house, however, it was a lot easier than usual to achieve such a feeling the suite overlooks a picturesque wooded ravine on the property.
Architect Jim Fraerman says the master suite occupies one of three main pavilions in the house, all of which are designed to maximize the view. But it's not just the outlook that enhances the tranquil feel of the suite the materials and color palette also help create a relaxing ambiance.
Both the bedroom and bathroom feature the same watery blue-green tones that appear elsewhere in the house. The custom carpet in the bedroom has a ripple pattern that heightens this effect. And the bathroom features soft blue Venetian plaster walls, and a blue-toned marble on the floors and vanity tops.
"A floating mirror in front of a window above the dressing table allows a soft light to filter into the bathroom," says Fraerman. "It also provides some privacy."
The dressing table is positioned in the center of symmetrical sycamore wood vanity cabinets, which feature flush doors and drawers that are in keeping with the home's contemporary styling.
The high vaulted ceiling in the bathroom, which was requested by the owners, is a more traditional element one that helps to enclose the room, creating an intimate space.
"The ceiling effectively melds with the walls," says the architect. "Its curved form balances the rectilinear elements in the house. The ceiling is continuous above the separate shower, vanity and toilet room, providing a flowing, open look that is typical of the living areas in the house."
A freestanding tub in another part of the suite is positioned so the owners can also enjoy the woodland view while bathing.
Credit list
Interior designer
Shower fittings
Story by: Colleen Hawkes
Home kitchen bathroom commercial design
Living lightly on the land
Driftwood, pebbles and shells
Connecting with the scenery