Waterfront living
Integrated systems
Balconies are an integral feature of the design of Evolve. Every apartment has its own private balcony, which can be transformed into a sheltered, private space by sliding a suite of shutters into place.
Townsend Group was awarded the contract to custom design an integrated balustrade, shutter and slab edge cladding system, which had to meet the aesthetic and functional requirements of the architecture of the overall building.
For this project, Townsend Group designed, engineered and manufactured fully framed glass balustrades that are mounted inside integrated shutters and slab edge cladding. The total system, including the shutters mounted on steel beams that extend beyond the structure of the main building, was designed to withstand the high wind loads that this site is exposed to. From here Townsend then installed the system.
General manager of business development Mark Ryan says the special feature of the Townsend system is that it is fully integrated. In addition, a stainless steel mechanism concealed within the frame allows the Slideline suite of shutters to be locked into position at any point along the track.
"We believe a key to our success lies in our ability to innovate and to adapt our designs to meet customers' specific needs. We supply the full circle of services from concept to completion, and to support this we warrant the in-place performance of our built-up systems and our installation work accordingly," says Ryan.
Since completing the Evolve development, Townsend Group has been contracted by project manager and contractor Bovis Lend Lease to undertake a similar scope of works for Stonecutters, another residential tower by Vivas Lend Lease that is currently under construction at Jacksons Landing.
For more information, contact Townsend Group, PO Box 129, Mortdale, NSW 2223, 50 Barry Ave, Mortdale, NSW 2223, phone (02) 9533 0604, fax (02) 9153 8504. Email: mark.ryan@townsendgroup.com.au. Website: www.townsendgroup.com.au.
Story by: Trendsideas
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