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Built to last CBANZ ensures homes built by their members are solid and weathertight

Good looks and well-designed spaces are the public face of a new home. However, it's just as important that the underlying construction also measures up to the same standards of quality.
One way to ensure this standard is met is to employ a builder who is a member of the Certified Builders Association of NZ (CBANZ). For this home, certified building company Walmsley Builders was contracted as builder and project manager.

Derek Baxter, CEO of CBANZ, says that contracting a certified builder gives a homeowner or developer the freedom to relax.
"Having undergone a rigorous training and testing programme to become trade qualified, CBANZ builders understand the principles of work ethics and of acting with honesty, integrity and responsibility. This includes dealing fairly and equitably with clients, subcontractors and other industry professionals at all times," he says.

The Homefirst 10-year Builders Guarantee, which is available on application, can only be provided by a Certified Builder.
For more information, contact the Certified Builders Association, PO Box 13405, Tauranga 3001, phone (07) 927 7720, freephone 0800 237 843. Website:
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