


Split level home goes up and out

When planning this project, the owners wanted to add space and functionality while preserving the home's character

Every effort was made to make the new cabinetry, countertop, cuisine classique, floor, flooring, hardwood, interior design, kitchen, room, wood flooring, gray, black
Every effort was made to make the new part of the home as spacious as possible

Architect: Gardner Architects LLCStructural engineer: Robert Silman Associates PLLCKitchen designer: Jennifer Gilmer Kitchen & BathAbout the project (text supplied): This 50’s era split level on a small lot needed expanding for the owners’ pattern of living and improved spatial connections internally and to the site.

The owners sought to update the house to a more modern state while preserving memories of its original character. They hoped to connect the indoors to the out-of-doors, create spacious, flexible spaces for living and dining with views between spaces, and to make the kitchen the heart of the home. Describing themselves as “accidentally sustainable,” they wanted to pair their design goals with environmentally sound choices.

A rock garden sits outside this hallway backyard, cottage, courtyard, facade, home, house, real estate, residential area, siding, window, yard, gray
A rock garden sits outside this hallway

The first floor spaces were expanded and joined so that dining and gathering can occur “anywhere and everywhere.” The kitchen became the nexus of all activity, joining the living and dining spaces on the first floor to the study/loggia and entry hall on the half-level below.

The new living space is tall and spacious with terrace doors, windows, skylights and a light shelf on the south wall, welcoming in abundant cross ventilation and natural light. The L-shaped addition embraces a new cypress deck that floats across a grass terrace to a stone wall and rock garden, creating a unifying transition to the outdoors. This main level addition and the second floor addition, perched as a treehouse, embrace the backyard and capture the traversing daylight.

This opaque window is the perfect balance of architecture, bathroom, ceiling, daylighting, floor, interior design, room, white
This opaque window is the perfect balance of light and privacy

Sustainably-minded smart envelope design, passive solar heating, natural ventilation, daylighting, radiant floor heat, high insulation values, water-saving fixtures, and low VOC/formaldehyde-free materials complete the balanced design.

Story by: David Renwick

28 Nov, 2017

Home kitchen bathroom commercial design

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