


One-touch convenience

Keeping kitchens, bathrooms and laundries clutter-free, Hideaway under-counter bins from Kitchen King are now even stronger and sleeker, with a new soft-close model available

Hideaway Bins Banish mess from the kitchen and countertop, home appliance, kitchen appliance, laundry, major appliance, product design, sink, small appliance, washing machine, gray
Hideaway Bins Banish mess from the kitchen and clutter or clothes from the bathroom or laundry. The bins tuck demurely under the counter.

All the design planning in the world won't make a freestanding rubbish bin an attractive element in your kitchen. Tough under-counter bins that slide away at a touch present a hassle-free solution.

Hideaway and Hideaway Deluxe bins from Kitchen King are designed to keep your rubbish out of sight and out of mind. The Hideaway range provides bin solutions for those with limited space, while the Hideaway Deluxe has a friction-fitted lid for a perfect seal.

The convenience of sweeping rubbish straight into a bin that then slides out of sight, or of having under-bench recycling at your fingertips has caught on in New Zealand, says business manager Jamie Bertelsen.

View of hideaway bins from Kitchen King. bathroom, bathroom accessory, floor, interior design, plumbing fixture, product design, property, room, sink, tap, toilet, toilet seat, orange
View of hideaway bins from Kitchen King.

"In keeping with Hideaway's growing popularity we have made design upgrades to both ranges," says Bertelsen.

Changes to the discreet utilities include strengthened steel frames to match the sturdy polyethylene bins, and rounded bin corners for aesthetic effect. In addition, hideaway door brackets are reconfigured, allowing for a four-bin recycling solution.

"A new Hideaway Soft Close Bin has also been released," Bertelsen says. "This model features self-closing runners and an air-vacuum damper."

Hideaway Bins from Kitchen King roll out of cabinetry, countertop, cuisine classique, floor, flooring, hardwood, home appliance, interior design, kitchen, kitchen stove, laminate flooring, room, tile, wood flooring, white
Hideaway Bins from Kitchen King roll out of sight easily, providing rubbish disposal or storage options to help keep your interiors clean.

For further details on Hideaway Bins or to find your local distributor, contact Kitchen King, phone (09) 426 7456. Or visit the website: www.hideawaybins.co.nz.

Story by: Trendsideas

11 Aug, 2008

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