




Off-white wall surfaces bring lightness to Fonterra lift lobbies

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Resene Double Alabaster wall finishes complete the lift areas and the exteriors of some meeting rooms at the new Fonterra office building

The semi-enclosed lift lobbies at Fonterras new offices architecture, glass, interior design, lobby, real estate, gray
The semi-enclosed lift lobbies at Fonterras new offices achieve a bright feel with Resene Double Alabaster wall finishes.
The semi-enclosed lift lobbies at Fonterras new offices architecture, glass, interior design, lobby, real estate, gray

Off-whites are a versatile backdrop for offices, allowing occupants to add their own finishing touches. In Fonterra's fit-out, the lift lobbies and meeting room exteriors feature Resene Double Alabaster, from the Resene Whites & Neutral collection. However, Resene does even more for the country's designers than provide high quality wall and ceiling finishes.

An integral part of the commercial architecture industry in New Zealand, Resene is also behind key events in the design community's calender.

The semi-enclosed lift lobbies at Fonterras new offices architecture, glass, interior design, lobby, real estate, gray
The semi-enclosed lift lobbies at Fonterras new offices achieve a bright feel with Resene Double Alabaster wall finishes.

For example, it sponsors the prestigious Resene Timber Design Awards an annual event that showcases the best and most innovative in architects and designers working with this sustainable material.

Resene also supports the Resene Architecture and Design Film Festival a showing of international films focussed on the world of architecture and design generally.

The semi-enclosed lift lobbies at Fonterras new offices architecture, glass, interior design, lobby, real estate, gray
The semi-enclosed lift lobbies at Fonterras new offices achieve a bright feel with Resene Double Alabaster wall finishes.

For details on Resene's variety of wall and ceiling surface options, visit a Resene ColorShop, or free- phone 0800 RESENE (737 363),

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