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Memories are made of this a new house from Woodmeister maintains the Newport traditions but puts the focus firmly on lifestyle

Exterior view of a wooden shingle house, green building, cottage, estate, facade, farmhouse, home, house, mansion, property, real estate, roof, sky, window, blue
Exterior view of a wooden shingle house, green joinery, glimpse of a stone chimney, stone bench seats in the porch with large terracotta collumns in front of it and a wooden roof, lawn, gardens.
Exterior view of a wooden shingle house, green building, cottage, estate, facade, farmhouse, home, house, mansion, property, real estate, roof, sky, window, blue
View of the wooden shingled house, lawn, green building, cottage, elevation, estate, facade, farmhouse, home, house, property, real estate, residential area, roof, siding, sky, window
Exterior view of a wooden shingle house, green building, cottage, estate, facade, farmhouse, historic house, home, house, mansion, neighbourhood, property, real estate, residential area, roof, siding, sky, suburb, window, blue

Architectural styles are so entrenched in some areas, they have become symbolic of a particular period in US history. The shingle-style houses of Newport, Rhode Island offer such a legacy, it is scarcely surprising that much of the new housing in the district reflects this heritage.

This house, built on the site of the largest battle of the US Revolution, the Battle of Rhode Island, reflects that architectural influence. Designed by John Grosvenor, Paul Weber and Ray Goddard of Newport Collaborative Architects (NCA), the house captures the essence of the traditional New England coastal summer homes.

Principal architect John Grosvenor says Out To Sea, as the house is named, was a joint venture with Woodmeister Corporation, a master builder that specializes in custom millwork and cabinetry.

View of the wooden shingled house, lawn, green building, cottage, elevation, estate, facade, farmhouse, home, house, property, real estate, residential area, roof, siding, sky, window
View of the wooden shingled house, lawn, green joinery, stone pathway.

"For this reason, it was important to focus on the detailing. Long verandahs, covered porches and the use of indigenous materials, such as cedar and stone, were essential. The design also needed to reflect the millwork expertise of the company."

Located in the Carnegie Abbey estate, the house was designed to maximize the view of Narragansett Bay. It also acknowledges the Adirondack style of the neighboring golf club premises.

"The house reflects a new frontier lifestyle; a more bucolic way of living, where the emphasis is on comfort and relaxation," says Grosvenor.

Exterior view of a wooden shingle house, green building, cottage, estate, facade, farmhouse, historic house, home, house, mansion, neighbourhood, property, real estate, residential area, roof, siding, sky, suburb, window, blue
Exterior view of a wooden shingle house, green joinery and large collumns to the porch, tone wall and large stone chimney, garden.

Newport Collaborative Architects has a staff of 42, and specializes in historic restoration projects and the design of educational facilities, hotels, resorts and private residences. The company's offices are located in Newport and Providence, RI.

For further information, contact Newport Collaborative Architects, Inc (NCA), phone (401) 846 9583, fax (401) 846 9808. Email: Or visit the website:

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