Facebook Tweet Help Stories New Home Holistic approach Share Tweet Help Every room in the home can be wired for sound, vision and security when you install a Hills Home Hub structured cabling from hills home hub offers a fully integrated electronic system for this home. the six different features are video distribution, phone and intercom, computer network, multi room entertainment, distributed music and home security An entirely new language seems to have developed around home technology. But what does it actually mean to build a smart home?Simplifying complex technology for easy application is at the heart of the Hills Home Hub, from Hills Industries.This fully integrated system delivers and distributes data, phone, video, audio and television signals using data and television cables. These are operated from a centrally located enclosure with specially configured wall outlets in a room of the homeowner's choice. This is usually a garage or utility room.The central enclosure is home to the devices that enable the delivery and distribution of infra-red signals. It also houses the security system controller. visually unobtrusive telephone and intercom outlets enable homeowners to enjoy an almost invisible connection to the latest electronic technology It is preferable to plan the structured cabling using Hills Home Hub at the same time as planning for electrical wiring. This includes deciding in which rooms there will be easy access to a computer, phone, video, audio and television.An important consideration is future planning. This is because the use of a room could change over time. For example a nursery will become a teenagers bedroom, which may in turn become a study.Hills Home Hub offers six distinctive, yet fully integrated, features. All are designed to take care of a family's electronic requirements.Video distribution allows parents to see into separate areas of the home. When occupied with tasks in one room, they can still supervise children in another, via the video link. structured cabling from hills home hub offers a fully integrated electronic system for this home. the six different features are video distribution, phone and intercom, computer network, multi room entertainment, distributed music and home security Phone and intercom includes access to front gate security cameras. Using a remote control, homeowners can see who is at the gate and then release the electric latch if they decide to invite them in.The computer network enables access to the internet from any computer in the home. The multi-room entertainment and distributed music systems ensure that all equipment can be located in one area, yet can be accessed in a variety of rooms throughout the home.Home security systems protect the home and valuables from burglary and fire.For further information, contact Hills Industries, 10-12 Wiggs Rd, Riverwood NSW 2210, phone 1300 303 077, fax (02) 9717 5221. Email: info@hillshomehub.com.au. Or visit the website: www.hillshomehub.com.au. Story by: Trendsideas 08 Sep, 2005 New Home Trendsideas Home kitchen bathroom commercial design Latest Post Rounded perspective 15 Dec, 2024 Everyday opulence 15 Dec, 2024 The Living Pā 15 Dec, 2024 We know the Specialists Related Book More Books > AU2119 AU2119 Read More Similar Stories