graphic reminder
Making an impact through graphics and signage is the realm of Rocket
The personality of a business and the way in which it is communicated to the marketplace is very likely a top priority for any successful firm. Often, however, the opportunity to engage internal stakeholders is easily overlooked a potentially costly oversight when you consider each member of staff is an ambassador for that business.
Deloitte recognised the opportunity to impassion its people through the fit-out of their new Auckland offices. To this end, signage and branding company Rocket was brought on board to help reinforce the thematic device gas, liquid, solid conceived by the architects of the Deloitte Centre, in a visually potent manner, says Rocket director Ross Hall.
"Deloitte was looking to engrain a sense of community between staff and to vividly articulate the building's context. With the theme and colour scheme in place, our job was to devise a design to reinforce both."
Rocket's in-house graphic designers produced the designs while the production team used an embedded digital printing technique to print the designs onto an optically clear film, says Hall. "This was the first time we've combined this print process and these materials for this type of application. The result was an intense depth of colour, matched to the existing scheme."
Says Deloitte property manager Kathy Ngatai: "Rocket worked closely with us to create a solution that enabled us to graphically depict the architect's themes of solid, liquid and gas throughout our new office with really pleasing results".
229 Archers Rd, Wairau Valley, North Shore City 0627Phone (09) 309 5495 Fax (09) 309
Story by: Trendsideas
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