


Go with the flow

On a warm sunny day, it's great to be able to open up your home to the outdoors. With Foldback bifold doors and windows, you can also improve the appearance, flow and safety of your home

Foldback bifold doors open into living room door, house, window, white
Foldback bifold doors open into living room

Improving the indoor-outdoor flow of your living areas can be as simple as changing the joinery. With the right doors and windows, you can fully open up your home to the outdoors, effectively extending your living area.

Bifolds are a popular option, but when open, most bifolds still sit at the side of the opening, taking up space.

There is an alternative, however. The Foldback is a patented system that allows the window and door panels to open back 180° against the outer wall. The system is not only space efficient, it also allows an uninterrupted, safe flow between the inside and out, making it ideal for entertaining.

Foldback bifold doors open into living room door, house, window, white
Foldback bifold doors open into living room

The Foldback incorporates a flush sill design, so there is no recessed area to trap dust and dirt. This also enables a smooth transition between the flooring and outdoor surface.

Ease of operation isn't sacrificed either the top roller gear remains fully load carrying at all times, ensuring the doors are easy to manoeuvre.

The Foldback can be fitted with double glazing and comes in two models. One is an integrated system with the head track built into the soffit, which allows for larger panel sizes and more design options. The other alternative is a fully framed model, such as the doors featured on these pages. This is particularly suited to renovation projects and traditional designs.

Foldback bifold doors open into living room door, house, window, white
Foldback bifold doors open into living room

The Foldback is available in the full range of powdercoated aluminium colours, or it can be anodised to any design specification.

Foldback® is a registered trademark of Fletcher Aluminium. For more details, contact your local aluminium manufacturer: Rylock, phone 0800 4 Rylock (479 562); Nebulite, phone 0800 Nebulite (632 854); Fisher, phone 0800 Fisher (347 437); or Vistalite, phone 0800 Vistalite, (847 825). Or visit the website: www.fletcheraluminium.co.nz.

Story by: Trendsideas

20 Jul, 2006

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