


In commercial operations, products that allow areas to be reconfigured add to functionality and minimise waste. Such systems are the speciality of Dorma

View of Dorma Variflex operable wall system at ceiling, conference hall, daylighting, floor, flooring, interior design, office, wall, gray
View of Dorma Variflex operable wall system at Wellington International Airport.

The logistics of processing large numbers of international passengers efficiently can be complex. At some stages hundreds of travellers are arriving while, at other times, departures will dominate.

To deal with these fluctations in passenger numbers, the Rock, the new Wellington International Airport terminal, employs the Dorma Variflex operable wall system. This system allows the airport much greater flexibility in the way arriving and departing passengers are processed.

View of Dorma Variflex operable wall system at floor, multimedia, product design, gray
View of Dorma Variflex operable wall system at Wellington International Airport.

Dorma senior consultant movable walls, Gomathi Nayagam says Variflex offers full flexibility and provides effective sound insulation in large multi-use areas.

"It has multi-directional stacking panels, which are easy to assemble and retract if an area has to be reconfigured quickly," he says.

View of Dorma Variflex operable wall system at ceiling, floor, flooring, wall, gray
View of Dorma Variflex operable wall system at Wellington International Airport.

Variflex also features optional pass-door inserts for access to and from individual spaces with no need for existing doorways. And without a floor-based guiding track, it is well suited to public areas. Instead, retractable seals at the top and base of each panel lock everything into place via a few turns of a removable cranking handle.

For more information, contact Dorma NZ, PO Box 71025, Avondale, Auckland 1348, phone (09) 830 2052, fax (09) 820 4909. Email: sales.nz@dorma.com. Website: www.dorma.com.

Story by: Trendsideas

17 Mar, 2011

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