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ARM's striking contemporary sport hub design is inspired by the architectures of the many cultures that make up Blacktown’s community: Indian temples, Turkish bathhouses and Chinese gardens

Tour the Blacktown Exercise Sports and Technology Hub (BEST) by ARM

Designed by ARM Architecture

From the architects:

The Blacktown Exercise Sports and Technology Hub (BEST) aims to be an internationally recognised sporting precinct with state-of-the-art training and competition facilities for sub-elite athletes, professional teams and rising stars.

It will also be a centre of sports science and allied health – a place where athletes and the non-athlete public can receive treatment in consulting facilities with the latest equipment and technology.

The architecture of BEST defines a strong, individual

ARM masterplanned the precinct and has now delivered the first stage, the Blacktown Exercise Sports and Technology Hub (BEST) and Academy Accommodation (in partnership with Architectus) for joint clients Blacktown City Council and Australian Catholic University.

To do this vision justice, and to catch the eye of as many athletes, teams, students and the public as possible, the BEST needed to be a local landmark.

The building’s striking contemporary design is inspired by the architectures of the many cultures that make up Blacktown’s community: Indian temples, Turkish bathhouses and Chinese gardens.

BEST's architecture is also inspired by sporting technology

It’s also inspired by sporting technology and gear including 3D-printed equipment and apparel, carbon fibre prosthetics and drag-reduction fabrics. 

The striking facade was developed in collaboration with ShapeShift Technologies.

The Blacktown Exercise Sports and Technology Hub (BEST)

The architecture defines a strong, individual and magnetic brand for the proposed Blacktown International Sportspark and for Blacktown itself. 

It will be recognised and admired by visiting national and international athletes alike.

Designed by: ARM

Story by: Trendsideas

Photography by: Blacktown City Council

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