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Air conditioning specialist Economech Services specified a chilled beam system for Telecom Place

View of the air conditioning systems by Economech architecture, ceiling, daylighting, facade, glass, house, interior design, real estate, window, black, gray
View of the air conditioning systems by Economech Services at the new Telecom head office in Auckland.

In an environment where new technologies are coming online almost daily, having the ability to assimilate that knowledge and to adapt it to suit existing requirements puts you ahead of the game.

Air conditioning contractors and specialist design engineering firm Economech Services was asked to identify a suitable air conditioning system for Telecom Place and to provide a control system specifically tailored to the project, says engineering director Jeremy Thornton.

"We worked with Mansons to identify the right cooling system, accompanying them to Australia to view a range of chilled beam systems in operation. We collectively determined that the Frenger radiant cooling passive chilled beam system was ideal."

View of the air conditioning systems by Economech engineering, industry, machine, product, gray
View of the air conditioning systems by Economech Services at the new Telecom head office in Auckland.

As the technology was new to the company, a contingent from Economech Services travelled to the Frenger facility in the UK to run a series of performance tests, says Thornton.

"We were particularly interested in the system's performance in a meeting room situation where the load changes quickly for example, when 12 people walk into the room for a meeting.

"The tests we carried out using our control system had never been done before and provided valuable information for the project."

View of the air conditioning systems by Economech automotive exterior, vehicle, gray, black
View of the air conditioning systems by Economech Services at the new Telecom head office in Auckland.

For further details, contact Economech Services, PO Box 14048, Auckland 1741, phone (09) 579 1444, fax (09) 579 2308. Email: aircon@economech.co.nz. Website: www.economech.com.

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