


Circle in the round

This kitchen by architect Doreve Nicholaeff showcases artworks and sets up vistas through the home

circular kitchen, white cabinets, dark benchtops, wooden floors. cabinetry, ceiling, countertop, cuisine classique, floor, flooring, hardwood, interior design, kitchen, laminate flooring, living room, room, wood, wood flooring, gray, orange
circular kitchen, white cabinets, dark benchtops, wooden floors. storage underneath breakfast bar. open ceiling double height, hanging lights

Designing the kitchen at the same time as the rest of the house allows an architect to manipulate the surrounding areas to optimize the drama and function of the workspace. The social and culinary heart of the home can also act as a circulation hub and centerpiece of the whole interior.

This was exactly what happened when architect Doreve Nicholaeff designed this house with its centrally located kitchen. The layout features a double-height space in the middle of the plan setting the scene for this pivotal area, says Nicholaeff.

"The kitchen fulfills many functions, not the least of which is display. The owners are passionate about art and this space allows them to showcase works from their collection on walls, in niches, and in glass-fronted cabinets. At the same time, the kitchen is akin to a giant sculpture in its own right."

The space is bound by two curving privacy walls on one side and an opposing arc of counter, cabinetry and windows on the other. The shape of the island in the middle echoes these surrounding forms. Further defining the kitchen area, above the perimeter cabinetry the ceiling gives way to the double-height circular space over the island.

circular kitchen, white cabinets, dark benchtops, wooden floors. cabinetry, floor, flooring, hardwood, home, interior design, kitchen, room, wood flooring, orange, brown
circular kitchen, white cabinets, dark benchtops, wooden floors. view from outside kitchen circle. pillars also serve as shelves

The kitchen stands between two open-plan spaces the entry hall, living room and dining room one way, and the family room, ancillary spaces, a second stairway and the garage in the other. Acting as a link between these spaces, the kitchen has its own presence but also helps direct the eye and the feet.

"Views through the interior of the house are rewarded by a painting or other intriguing feature. The gap between the two curved privacy walls is a good example, allowing glimpses along the diagonal axis of the kitchen. Besides creating interesting long views, the two walls also direct the pedestrian flow around and behind the kitchen and across the adjacent open-plan spaces," says Nicholaeff.

In terms of looks, both the house and kitchen have a transitional appeal. While the house has a traditional frontage and several classic interior elements, its two-story core is a more modern inclusion. Understated kitchen cabinet panels are in keeping with this middle way.

With generous openings created between the different areas, it was important to ensure the kitchen aesthetic would work to draw all the spaces together.

circular kitchen, white cabinets, dark benchtops, wooden floors. cabinetry, countertop, cuisine classique, home appliance, interior design, kitchen, kitchen stove, room, under cabinet lighting, gray
circular kitchen, white cabinets, dark benchtops, wooden floors. Cooktop level with bench, traditional style cabinetry, small round knobs

"Making most elements a uniform white helps, and so, too, does the height and the style of the paneling. We also took care to align the upper panels on the central walls with similar detailing on the above-counter perimeter cabinetry," the architect says.

The soaring double-height volume not only highlights the kitchen, it also showers natural light on it from the windows on the level above. It's just one more inviting aspect of this strategic heart of the home.

Story by: Trendsideas

08 Jul, 2012

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