"Despite the screen size, this model is just 119mm deep and weighs only 61kg," says Hancox. "It has a 900% digital zoom facility and is well suited to conference rooms, showrooms and lecture theatres as well as home theatres."
The plasma screen is paired with NEC's multi-format NDR500 DVD recorder and DHT300 surround-sound system. The DHT300 provides a complete home theatre solution, combining a high-fidelity FM tuner, AV digital receiver and DVD video player. Listening modes include Digital, Dolby, Pro Logic, Dolby Pro Logic 11 Decoders, Hall, Stadium and Theatre settings.
Another technological leap forward for NEC is the new VT47 projector, shown on these pages. National sales manager Steven Macdonald says this update on an earlier model offers increased brightness to better overcome the effects of ambient light in a room.
It also features intuitive design that makes it easy to use plug-and-project installation and automatic synchronisation with a computer or video source. This model automatically projects a square image, even if the unit is tilted.
In addition, these new projectors introduce a new NEC style a sleek, high-gloss, pearlescent, curved design so they look great in the home or the office," says Macdonald.
"We asked ourselves, why do projectors have to look like boxes? The new styling, which we plan to extend to additional members of the product line in the future, is especially important for customers whose projectors are prominent in a home or business environment."
In recognition of the growing demand for a television in every room, NEC has a range of LCD televisions of varying sizes. These include the NLT17W LCD television shown in the kitchen on the following page. This widescreen television features full stereo sound and comes with a S-Video input, AV input, headphone socket and PC input for complete versatility.