


4 tips to maximise space in a small apartment

Living in a smaller space shouldn't cramp your style. Here are 4 tips to help you make your apartment feel infinitely more spacious – and stylish

Utilise furniture as a room divider to ceiling, couch, furniture, home, interior design, living room, real estate, room, wall, window, white
Utilise furniture as a room divider to create separation of your spaces.

When you’re trying to visualise a fully-functional room, it may seem impossible to see how you can create a dining space as well as a living space without making the room look cramped – but don’t fret. We’ve broken down how you can tackle your space, head on and transform your small apartment into a spacious, free-flowing home.

1. Fashionable but Functional

When styling a small apartment, it is key to consider scale and use it appropriately. Our rule of thumb when purchasing large items – if it isn’t functional, forget it. A great way to creating your space while keeping functionality in mind is by layering furniture and accessories to achieve the look you want. Start with a large rug, add a sofa, and incorporate a throw blanket on top to achieve a “homey” look without adding bulk. If you can position your sofa as a “room divider” instead of placing it against a wall, then even better! You’ve now created two rooms in one!

When choosing your dining and coffee tables, opt for round edges and thin lines. This will help your room flow better and will make them feel less intrusive.

Pro tip: Do a small stocktake of the items in your apartment, annually. You’ll be surprised how much accumulates over time! Nothing makes a small apartment feel cramped like having too much stuff.


2. See the Light

Light can make a small apartment feel ten times larger, and knowing exactly how to play with light can maximise your living space. Pendant lights are an elegant way to brighten and elongate your apartment, as they draw the eye upwards, even making your 6’4” friends feel comfortable. Taking advantage of your apartment’s natural light is another way to make your space feel bigger – think about introducing sheer curtains to get the most out of the summer sun.

Pro tip: Install floor-to-ceiling curtains to make the apartment feel less claustrophobic and function as a feature wall.


You want the mirror to reflect a clean interior design, living room, lobby, room, black, gray
You want the mirror to reflect a clean minimal space, so decorate wisely and avoid clutter.

3. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

It might not call you the “fairest one of all,” but mirrors create the illusion of space. Large, statement mirrors not only create space and light, they double whatever is in the room. You want the mirror to reflect a clean minimal space, so decorate wisely and avoid clutter. Less is more in a small space.

Pro tip: Use a large floor length mirror behind a piece of furniture in tight spaces.


4. Paint it Black

In the words of The Rolling Stones, stick to a monochromatic colour scheme (we’re pretty sure that’s what the song was about). Dark hues actually open up a space. However, if you don’t want the big statement, doing the exact opposite also works! Paint your walls white! Opt for colours that are in the same colour family and match these to the upholstery to give your apartment a sophisticated and tasteful openness.

Pro tip: Painting skirting boards in shade in the same colour palette as the walls will make surfaces look further away than they are.


Need help with your home interiors? If you're in Australia, get in touch with Vault Interiors and see what the experts can delivery for your property’s styling needs.

Story by: Vault Interiors

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