


Your guide to homes

So you want to transform your old bungalow into something more contemporary? Great! But how do you get started?

In the most basic sense, your home is a reflection of who you are. It’s a physical representation of your tastes and preferences, as well as a showcase for your hobbies and possessions. As interior designer Nate Berkus famously said, “Your home should tell the story of who are, and be a collection of what you love”.

We’ve put together all you need to know when starting a project.

The basics: How to get started

So you want to transform your old bungalow into something more contemporary? Great! But how do you get started? Read more Renovating? Start here

There’s no shortage of reasons to renovate your home. Perhaps you’ve grown tired of the paint in the living room, or you’re thinking that maybe a guest bedroom would better serve as a home office. Read more Put together a budget

With a solid understanding of how much you can spend, it should be easier to map out your renovation. A budget means you can hone in on the materials that fit into your price range, and disregard those that do not. Read more Why you should work with a professional

A capable designer and a builder with the right experience and work ethic can make all the difference. Read more

Feature walls: Something to consider?

Whether you’re planning to sell your home and want to jazz things up for potential buyers or you’re just after a change, feature walls are worth considering. Read more The home office: 5 questions to ask yourself

Whether you work remotely or just want a space in your home to focus, here are five questions to ask yourself before designing your home office. Read more

Story by: Trends

28 Jul, 2017

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