


Water sculpture

Contemporary design conceals a raft of advanced technologies in the latest water-efficient tapware from Dorf

Tapware set into wall with blue tiles behind. blue, line, plumbing fixture, product, product design, tap, teal, white
Tapware set into wall with blue tiles behind.

Sometimes the finer points of a kitchen fit-out can have the most outstanding impact. One way to lift the look of a tired old kitchen or add the finishing touch to a brand new one is to introduce standout, contemporary tapware.

Established Australian brand Dorf has a variety of new water saving tapware to help you transform your kitchen, says marketing communications manager Jennifer Krenich.

"With plenty of tapware options now available for the kitchen, it's important to choose well-made products that not only have a smart exterior but also reliable, built-in functionality it's on the inside that durability is really put to the test," says Krenich. "Each new range from Dorf offers eye-catching design and polished chrome finishes. However, behind their aesthetic appeal lies solid brass construction and leading edge technologies."

Water efficiency is a key consideration when making a tapware choice helping you save water in environmental terms and also cutting water and energy bills. Innovative Water Efficient Tapware (W.E.T.®) technology is built into Dorf product ranges for maximum savings, without compromise on performance.

Tapware set into wall with blue tiles behind. blue, line, plumbing fixture, product, product design, tap, teal, white
Tapware set into wall with blue tiles behind.

Dorf ranges also include other smart technologies designed to enhance water flow, mix and temperature control. The minimalist Dorf G-type sink mixer, for example, has an unusual smooth-sliding on-off mechanism that combines low friction technology with an extremely small ceramic disc cartridge.

The Dorf Neo range has an innovative Eco-temp feature for maximum energy savings and safety. A spring-loaded cartridge ensures that when the mixer is turned on it reaches a predetermined, comfortable temperature level.

Other new Dorf ranges featuring appealing design and cutting edge technology include Fluid, Maxum and Tempus.

For a geometric look, the Fluid range has a wall sink set for the kitchen. The high-end design appeal of Fluid includes a softly curved outlet and cross-style handles with laser etched hot and cold indicators.

Tapware set into wall with blue tiles behind. blue, line, plumbing fixture, product, product design, tap, teal, white
Tapware set into wall with blue tiles behind.

The Maxum wall sink set, with a sweeping gooseneck outlet, is an affordable tapware option, while the Tempus wall sink set combines classic styling with subtle touches of modernity.

All Dorf tapware is ergonomically designed and easy to clean.

In addition to these tapware options, Dorf has an extensive product portfolio to suit a range of styles and budgets.

For further details or the address of your nearest Dorf stockist, phone 13 14 16. Website www.dorf.com.au.

Story by: Trendsideas

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