Solid footing Field & Hall constructed the Creative & Performing Arts Centre and the Hodge Sports Centre at Scots College
Field & Hall constructed the Creative & Performing Arts Centre and the Hodge Sports Centre at Scots College
The new Creative & Performing Arts Facility at Scots College is intended to last for hundreds of years part of the established school's on-going commitment to the future. Underpinning this philosophy is a structure that will endure not only over time, but will also withstand the most rigorous seismic activity.
Construction company Field & Hall has worked with Athfield Architects and Scots College in a productive partnership spanning 10 years. Projects have included a new technology block, science laboratory, boarding facilities and upgrades of the administration building. The Creative & Performing Arts Centre and the Hodge Sports Centre continue this ongoing, productive association, says Field & Hall director Richard Field.
"The arts building posed significant construction issues. As it butted the historic Leuchars wing, we had to introduce sheet piling that shored up the old building while construction for the new facility got underway," says Field. This solution, by Field & Hall, brought considerable savings to the budget.
The Creative & Performing Arts Facility is made up of a fire-protected, steel column-beam structure with reinforced concrete floors. But before the building could go up, strong roots had to go down.
"We used screw piles, which literally turn into the sandy substrate 100 in all creating a deep, solid footing. There were several advantages to this method, beyond strength; it was a quiet and speedy method important when part of the build agenda was to work in and around a large school in full operation. Also producing far less vibration, the process literally screws the piles into the sandy substrate using a 40-ton digger. The end result is so strong that the building has achieved an incredible 133% earthquake-proof requirement rating."
Construction for the Hodge Sports Centre was less problematic. The light-weight building's modern, translucent skin hugs a curved framework made of strips of timber laminated together.
"The construction was relatively simple it was a matter of achieving the right connecting angle for the segmented arches and repeating it," says Field.
Other considerations for both buildings included incorporating design changes by the school and project architects on the fly and meeting the close schedule critical for the school's operating needs.
For more details, contact Field & Hall, 267-269 Coutts St, Kilbirnie, Wellington 6022, phone (04) 387 9470, email:
Story by: Trendsideas
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