


Astute management ensured potential cost overruns on the Wharewaka project were avoided

View of the Wharewaka building on the Wellington architecture, building, facade, landmark, memorial, monument, sky, statue, tourist attraction, gray, teal
View of the Wharewaka building on the Wellington waterfront.

Early involvement by the quantity surveyor in setting the budget for the Wharewaka project helped ensure there were no cost overruns.

Rider Levett Bucknall director Grant Watkins says the company provided quantity surveying and cost management services for the project.

View of the Wharewaka building on the Wellington architecture, building, commercial building, facade, house, real estate, residential area, structure, window, blue, black
View of the Wharewaka building on the Wellington waterfront.

"The commitment shown by Wellington Waterfront Ltd, the design team architecture + and main contractor LT McGuinness, was also a key factor in the smooth running of the project. Everyone recognised the significance of the project for the Wharewaka o Poneke Charitable Trust and for Wellington, and worked to create an iconic building that would be a real asset for the city."

RLB says the significant amount of ground stabilisation works required meant there was a potential for unforeseen cost escalations. However, everything went to plan and the project was able to be completed on time and to budget.

View of the Wharewaka building on the Wellington boat, boating, boats and boating equipment and supplies, leisure, outdoor recreation, recreation, rowing, tourism, water, water sport, water transportation, watercraft rowing, waterway, teal
View of the Wharewaka building on the Wellington waterfront.

For more details, contact Rider Levett Bucknall, PO Box 27013, Wellington 6141, phone (04) 916 7455, fax (04) 385 7272. Website: www.rlb.com.

Story by: Trendsideas

17 Mar, 2011

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