


Renovations: How to make your bathroom look bigger

Got a small bathroom? We've put together a few of the best ways to make the most of these small spaces

This bathroom renovation feels large and open bathroom, countertop, floor, flooring, interior design, room, sink, wall, gray
This bathroom renovation feels large and open thanks to the use of various techniques we outline.

Tiny bathrooms can be a pain to live with, especially when you’ve got a family. So what can you do to make your bathroom look bigger?

Here are some of the ways you can renovate your bathroom and make it appear more spacious than it really is.

Lighter tones that blend seamlessly from the walls bathroom, floor, interior design, plumbing fixture, tile, gray
Lighter tones that blend seamlessly from the walls to floor like in this bathroom create the illusion of space

Use soft colours for the walls

Pastel tones and whites are the best way to go when repainting as they give the illusion of space. Using striking colours will only the make the room feel more cramped than it actually is.

Another tip: Keep any floor or shower tiles a similar colour to what’s on your walls. By doing so, the walls will seem to blend into the tiled surface. This leads us onto our next tip...

Avoid transitions

Breaks are one of the worst things you can have in a small bathroom. For example, dark shower tiles and light pastel walls. Instead, go the other way and use the same colours throughout the room. The room will feel far less busy and, as a result, much more spacious.

This bathroom utilises mirrors in tandem with bathroom, floor, interior design, sink, white, gray
This bathroom utilises mirrors in tandem with floating vanities to increase the sense of space.

Add mirrors

Mirrors are another great way to make your bathroom feel larger. We’re not talking about decorative small mirrors, but the larger floor to ceiling alternatives. The bigger the better.

Add in a light, and the space will feel truly expansive.

Install a floating vanity

If you’re finding it difficult to decide between storage and space, a floating vanity is likely to help. They’ve got plenty of room for the bathroom essentials, while having the space beneath makes the room feel larger. You can also keep your bathroom scales here.

Natural light floods into this second storey architecture, bathroom, cabinetry, tiled floor, interior design, shower, glass, FuTung Cheng
Natural light floods into this second storey master bathroom making it feel more open.

Increase natural light

Natural light makes any space feel more open – but improving this situation is obviously difficult in a bathroom. If you’ve got an opaque window with muntins, now may be the time to consider an alternative. Skylights and solar tubes, although expensive, are one of the best ways to light a room deep within the home.

Whatever changes you make, you’ll likely have to make do with the existing space when renovating your bathroom. Of course, this doesn’t mean the space has to feel small.

Bathroom renovations can be stressful, so view some of our other articles if you’re still feeling a little lost.

Story by: Trends

06 Sep, 2017

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