


Coveted Green building codes are measured on several fronts, including energy efficiency. The Billi Quadra, from Merquip, contributes to the Green Star ideal

View of water boiling and chilling unit by gray
View of water boiling and chilling unit by Merquip.

In the modern world, offices are expected to supply staff with cold and hot water on demand. However, with eco-friendly design a fast-growing consideration for modern office buildings, tapware has to cater to the needs of the planet as well.

Supplier of high-end drinking water systems and hand-hygiene items Merquip recently released the patented Thermodynamic heat-transfer system. This makes the company's Quadra range which uses the system a very green underbench drinking water appliance, says sales director David Merrick.

"This system recovers waste heat generated during the chilling cycle, and reuses it to preheat the boiling water, saving power in the process."

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View of water boiling and chilling unit by Merquip.

The use of high-performance insulating materials further enhances the Quadra's energy efficiency. In addition, the advanced water cooling system means the underbench unit never gets hot.

"It is the only unit on the market that does not require cupboard ventilation. The product is also energy efficient, with low power usage.

"It has a concealed safety switch, integrated leak-guard system, filter change reminder, and is quick and easy to install," he says. "The Billi is also the most compact unit of its type available, allowing more usable cupboard space."

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View of water boiling and chilling unit by Merquip.

As well as providing filtered boiling and chilled drinking water, the Billi Quadra Plus has the added feature of a supply of instant hot water up to 50ºC to the sink mixer. This removes the need for a separate underbench hot water cylinder.

For further information on the Billi Quadra, contact Merquip, phone 0800 636 0636. Or visit the website: www.merquip.co.nz.

Story by: Trendsideas

17 Mar, 2011

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