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Developed in Europe and proven in New Zealand, quartz stone flooring provides hardwearing comfort year after year, and looks good too
WHAT'S UNDERFOOT matters just as much in an office or commercial space as it does at home. After all, people often spend more time at work and, in many cases, walk around more than they do at home.
When interior designer Geyer specified a quartz stone flooring surface for accounting firm KPMG's new premises, consideration to employee comfort was just as important as the long-lasting and hardwearing nature of the product.
Centaur Floor Systems installed the quartz stone flooring through an entire 350m² floor, and in the lobby areas of three other floors of the KPMG premises.
General manager Colin Wardrope says the product was developed in Belgium 25 years ago and has gained popularity in the United States and New Zealand in recent years.
"Many homeowners are using this surface in their garages as an alternative to painted concrete. It is extremely hardwearing, and easy to clean and maintain. Surprisingly it is relatively warm underfoot and very comfortable to walk on even in bare feet."
The coloured quartz which comes in a wide array of choices is imported by Centaur Floors and mixed with a resin, then trowelled out and levelled across the floor in much the same way cement is. A popular way of using the quartz is to create a border in a darker shade around the main floor edge.
"The entire 350m² KPMG floor took us just a day to install that's a major advantage of using this product. It is ideal for use in very large spaces because it is totally seamless when laid by professionals," says Wardrope.
Centaur Floors specialise in commercial flooring using hardwood and quartz stone.
For details, contact Centaur Floor Systems, 303 Porchester Road, Takanini, PO Box 202-131, Southgate. Phone (09) 298 0955, mobile 021 550 917 Email:, or visit the website:
Story by: Trendsideas
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