


By cladding a masonry home with board and batten, Nautica Homes has re-created the simple appearance of a bach

Traditional masonry home from Nautica Homes in rural backyard, cottage, estate, farmhouse, home, house, land lot, landscape, landscaping, lawn, leisure, pond, property, real estate, tree, villa, yard, green, brown
Traditional masonry home from Nautica Homes in rural setting

The bach is an integral part of New Zealand's cultural landscape, and there's no reason why even new beach houses should not draw on some of the features of the traditional holiday home.

The Omaha beach house shown here, built by Nautica Homes, incorporates the strength and permanence of solid masonry, which has been clad with board and batten. An overhanging corrugated roof is matched with a large deck, offering shade in the summer and protection in the winter. Other features include indoor/outdoor flow, coloured concrete flooring, vaulted tongue-and-groove ceilings and solid plastered interior walls, so this bach will be comfortable in all weathers.

Nautica Homes beach house uses masonry construction barn, cottage, estate, facade, farmhouse, grass, home, house, property, real estate, shed, teal, green
Nautica Homes beach house uses masonry construction

In this home, Nautica Homes has combined its award-winning masonry construction with the services from Masonry Design Solutions to satisfy the client's needs.

Nautica Homes' successful formula has been recognised nationally with two gold reserve awards in the 2007 Registered Master Builders' House of the Year competition.

This home won Nautica Homes the Gold Award estate, facade, farmhouse, home, house, property, real estate, sky, teal
This home won Nautica Homes the Gold Award in the Auckland Registered Master Builders 2008 House of the Year New Homes $650,000 - $1 million.

Contact Nautica Homes, PO Box 303 430, North Harbour, Auckland 0751, phone (09) 415 3200, fax (09) 415 3220. Email: enquire@nautica.co.nz, or visit the website: www.nautica.co.nz.

Story by: Trendsideas

02 May, 2008

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