


Hewn from stone

With an impressive natural rock wall rising from the backyard, this home appears to have been carved directly from the environment

The home an almost fortress-like feel, with stone architecture, building, elevation, estate, facade, home, house, property, real estate, window, teal
The home an almost fortress-like feel, with stone walls bordering different sides of the property

Architect: Jorge Hernández de la Garza

About the project (text supplied): The house is located in a development north of the metropolitan area of Mexico City, in a lot of stone which has an 18 x 32 meters and presents a slope of 50%. The architectural program was resolved on three levels, the first semi-fitted level where the services are located, the second level is at the garden level and that is where the public spaces of the house are located, finally the third one seems to float above the rest of the volumes.

From the front, the home has a private architecture, building, facade, home, house, property, real estate, residential area, sky, tree, black
From the front, the home has a private face

At the bottom of the land next to the garden, a 15-meter-high stone wall rises and was the perfect setting to finish off the interior views of the house towards the immediate surroundings.

The general volume is presented with a double intention; On the one hand, on the front façade, a series of overlapping boxes with minimal openings are erected in order to provide as much privacy as possible; on the other, on the rear façade, the greatest possible transparency towards the great stone wall was sought.

Story by: Trends

12 Mar, 2018

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