Your home is your castle, the setting for your domestic life, and a ready source of relaxation and even personal inspiration. With interiors playing such an important part in our lifestyles, you will congratulate yourself on sourcing an imaginative design consultant every time you arrive home and turn the key in your front door.
Tina Dyba is just such an interior design consultant, with a fast-growing industry reputation. President of her own company, Diva Concepts, Dyba creates thoughtful, balanced interiors that reflect clients' needs to the letter, she says.
"My approach taken for any given client is a holistic one," says Dyba. "I call this all-inclusive focus Elemental Fusion. It's a concept that considers several elements individually to create an effective, enduring interior."
Factors addressed by Dyba include the function of a space, the lighting sources, colors, textures and patterns, the forms of objects and furniture, the inclusion of natural elements such as water, fire and earth, and finally the lifestyle of the client.
"We offer an array of design and decorating services, from full design of new construction to aiding the sale of existing homes through improvements in design and decor," she says. "Ideally, we are brought in at the planning stage and consult closely with architects, builders and most of all the homeowners, before designing the interior."