


Grand statement

In keeping with its contemporary architectural style, this home features extra-large Vistalite® aluminium bifolding doors and windows

Large masonry home features Vistalite aluminium doors and architecture, building, estate, facade, home, house, property, real estate, sky, window, gray, black, teal
Large masonry home features Vistalite aluminium doors and windows

When a large, flat site became available close to the centre of Dunedin, the new owners saw an opportunity to build a spacious, contemporary home with easy connections from house to garden.

To achieve this, the design includes extra-large Vistalite® aluminium bifolding doors. These open off ground-floor living spaces and provide a seamless flow to level gardens and the swimming pool area. Because of the size of the doors, Vistalite Otago supplied commercial-grade doors and frames.

Large masonry home features Vistalite aluminium doors and architecture, building, cottage, estate, facade, farmhouse, home, house, mansion, property, real estate, residential area, roof, siding, sky, villa, window, blue, gray
Large masonry home features Vistalite aluminium doors and windows

The three-metre-high oak front doors, hung on Vistalite frames and surrounded by Vistalite fixed glass panels, are part of an impressive six-and-a-half-metre-high front entrance. Vistalite casement windows are used throughout the house, skylights let light into the conservatory, and round windows form an architectural feature below the roof line of the house.

Vistalite windows and doors are available in a wide selection of styles and sizes and are available through a network of local manufacturers.

Large masonry home features Vistalite aluminium doors and architecture, building, cottage, estate, facade, farmhouse, home, house, mansion, property, real estate, residential area, roof, siding, sky, villa, window, blue, gray
Large masonry home features Vistalite aluminium doors and windows

For more information, contact Vistalite Aluminium, 534 Kaikorai Valley Road, Dunedin, phone (03) 488 0344, fax: (03) 488 0355. Email: sales@vistaliteotago.co.nz, or visit the website: www.vistalite.co.nz.

Story by: Trendsideas

02 May, 2008

Home kitchen bathroom commercial design

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