To ensure Chow:Hill could provide the best design solution, the company worked with an extensive user group, and commissioned engineering consultant Dave Fullbrook of e-Cubed Building Workshop.
Jones says the entrance was completely rebuilt, and a large curved canopy added to make it more clearly visible to the public. Council colours were also introduced to both the exterior and interior.
"There was very little colour in the existing building," Jones says. "Remodelling the interior provided an opportunity to create a far more lively, friendly space that was customer focused."
Several walls were removed to open up the interior, and accessibility was improved with the installation of a lift and new toilets. The new reception counter is large enough to provide faster, more efficient service. There are also tables at one side to allow people to view documents and plans, and two adjacent offices for private meetings. Open-plan work spaces and glass-walled offices support the council's open and transparent work practices.
While refurbishing the premises met the council's requirement for sustainability, other initiatives include solar water heating, energy-efficient lighting solutions, and rainwater re-use for toilet flushing.
For details, contact Chow:Hill Architects, PO Box 109169, Newmarket, Auckland 1149, phone (09) 522 6460, fax (09) 522 6461. Website: .
22 Jun, 2007