


Ecotone – nature dovetails urban

Architecture firm Triptych reveal a design for Europe's largest wooden construction in Arcueil, France. Ecotone is sited in the Coteau Area of southern Paris as a multi-use space intended to organically link city and landscape

Ecotone – urbane (meets) jungle  aerial photography, architecture, bird's eye view, city, structure, urban design, gray, brown
Ecotone – urbane (meets) jungle 

Designed by: Triptych Architects

From the architects:

Our project is to make on this privileged site the link between the city and the nature and to build a building that plays the role of interface between these two environments. This transition zone between two ecosystems is called an ecotone in biology.

Ecotone – interfacing two worlds city, daytime, horizon, metropolitan area, real estate, residential area, sky, skyline, suburb, tree, urban area, white
Ecotone – interfacing two worlds

The site of the Coteau is an exceptional location: located at the southern entrance of the metropolis - overhanging the A6, Paris and its monuments, it benefits from metropolitan accessibility (A6, RER B, and in the near future, lines 14 and 15 of the Grand Paris Express) and is at the heart of an important health cluster and a cluster of the digital economy.​

World-wide incarnation for wood construction and the sustainable city, ECOTONE will be the biggest wood construction in Europe. At the time of the global ecological crisis, ECOTONE aims to become an emblem, a strong signal of the commitment of Paris and its metropolis.​

Sky bridges were an important part of the architecture, building, city, metropolitan area, mixed use, structure, tree, urban design, teal
Sky bridges were an important part of the proposed plan

Architecture is inspired by nature, from the bird's nest to the hive of bees, the Nature knows better than Man how to design its habitat by ensuring structural qualities, thermal and exceptional uses.

ECOTONE is an emphasis of the relief, two hybrid hills that combine trees and plantations building. It takes the form of a terraced building along the slope and dug out of patios allowing interior illumination of living and working places.

Ecotone exploratory video

Credit list

Triptyque team
General Manager: Morgan Rappy | Project Manager: David Guillemaud, Damien Murat Théo Tostivint , Julie Cassin | Credits: Triptyque Architecture
Atelier Georges
Project partners
Les Apaches (hôtellerie) I Dining car society (restauration) I Mamie Cocotte Carre 92 (restauration) I Qualité & co (restauration) I NU (restauration) I La Vie Claire (commerce) I Fédération Français des arts thérapeutes, Art dans la Cité (asso) I Crèche attitude et Zenpark (pkg)
Promoters /investors
Compagnie de Phalsbourg (mandataire) I Codeurs et Compagnie (co-investisseur) I Hertel Investissement (co-investisseur) I Engie Avenue (co-investiseur)
Scientific committee
le Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, le CEEBIOS (centre d’excellence en biomimétisme de Senlis) I le CIBI et le Lab Crigen (Engie) Novobiom (dépollution) I Innoside, SAS Oxipio (start-up logistique) I EPEA Paris (éco circ.) I Les Bergers Urbains (agriculture urbaine.)
Design offices / Acoustics
Elan (BET DD) I Lamoureux Acoustics (BET acoustique) I Arcadis ESG (BET structure)

Story by: Triptyche

Photography by: Renders courtesy of Triptyque, Duncan Lewis, PARC, OXO.

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