Dignified aesthetic
These kitchens feature a high level of finish, but are free from superfluous detail
Contemporary European-style kitchens are not rich in ornamentation, but instead contain high-end products and materials, cleverly co-ordinated in designs that are sleek and functional. One such kitchen brand is SieMatic, from Germany, available in New Zealand at Palazzo Design.
Established in 1929, SieMatic is today one of the top three German kitchen brands. The SieMatic SL, shown above, is an example of the company's fuss-free approach to modern kitchen design. Recessed handles ensure uninterrupted lines flow through this wood-framed and lacquer-topped kitchen, which features warm, natural tones balanced against a grainy gold splashback.
The kitchen pictured above right is the SieMatic 6006. This design originally premiered in 1960, when it was the most popular kitchen of its time. After further development, it became the first kitchen to use integrated strip handles. Today, these handles are created from aluminium. This produces a metallic shimmer against the gloss cabinets, which are available in a range of colours. Convex doors and toekicks are features unique to this design.
For more information, contact Palazzo Design, 69 Carlton Gore Road, Newmarket, Auckland; 7 Welles Street, Christchurch, freephone 0800 Palazzo (725 2996). Email: enquiries@palazzodesign.co.nz. Website: www.palazzodesign.co.nz.
Story by: Trendsideas
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