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A wardrobe that's a dynamic element in your design scheme can be customised to suit by Innovative Interiors

This grey linear patterned wardrobe from Innovative Interiors' closet, furniture, interior design, wardrobe, black, gray
This grey linear patterned wardrobe from Innovative Interiors' Euroclass range features pull-out shoe racks and custom glass door panels.
This grey linear patterned wardrobe from Innovative Interiors' closet, furniture, interior design, wardrobe, black, gray
This wardrobe is from Inovative Interiors' Classic range. cabinetry, closet, furniture, interior design, room, wardrobe, white

Often covering an entire wall, a wardrobe can play a major role in the look of a bedroom. Creating wardrobes that lend visual interest to a space, as well as provide ample storage, is the specialty of Innovative Interiors.

The darker-toned wardrobe is from the Euroclass range. Made of Bestwood Melamine Ash Pinstripe, it features pull-out shoe racks for storing your designer heels. A sliding door with a brocante patterned glass panel, produced by Decoglaze, creates an eye-catching and innovative feature, which can be customised to suit any interior design scheme. This is a style that was recently showcased at Eurocucina in Milan.

This wardrobe is from Inovative Interiors' Classic range. cabinetry, closet, furniture, interior design, room, wardrobe, white
This wardrobe is from Inovative Interiors' Classic range.

The wardrobe above left is from Innovative Interiors' Classic range. In Bestwood Melamine Cape Cod, it has a white-washed oak look that fits with a natural or beachside design aesthetic.

Innovative Interiors is one of design company Yellowfox's associated companies. Yellowfox often calls upon Innovative Interiors for storage solutions for its interior designs.

This wardrobe is from Inovative Interiors' Classic range. cabinetry, closet, furniture, interior design, room, wardrobe, white
This wardrobe is from Inovative Interiors' Classic range.

For details on Innovative Interiors, phone (09) 443 1928. For Yellowfox, visit the website:

Story by: Trendsideas

14 Nov, 2008

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