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This Santa Monica condominium was given a modern-classic makeover that references its beachside locale

Interior view of this remodeled traditional condo by ceiling, fireplace, floor, flooring, hardwood, hearth, home, interior design, laminate flooring, living room, room, tile, wall, wood flooring, brown, gray
Interior view of this remodeled traditional condo by Lafia Arvin
Interior view of this remodeled traditional condo by ceiling, fireplace, floor, flooring, hardwood, hearth, home, interior design, laminate flooring, living room, room, tile, wall, wood flooring, brown, gray
Interior view of this remodeled traditional condo by cabinetry, countertop, floor, flooring, home, interior design, kitchen, property, real estate, room, white, brown
Interior view of this remodeled traditional condo by ceiling, daylighting, estate, floor, flooring, hardwood, home, house, interior design, laminate flooring, plaster, property, real estate, room, tile, wall, window, wood, wood flooring, brown, gray
Interior view of this remodeled traditional condo by apartment, daylighting, estate, floor, flooring, hardwood, home, house, interior design, laminate flooring, living room, property, real estate, room, wall, window, wood, wood flooring, gray, brown
Interior view of this remodeled traditional condo by ceiling, daylighting, door, estate, floor, flooring, hardwood, home, house, interior design, laminate flooring, property, real estate, room, tile, wall, window, wood, wood flooring, gray, brown
Interior view of this remodeled traditional condo by architecture, cabinetry, ceiling, countertop, interior design, kitchen, gray, black
Interior view of this remodeled traditional condo by bathroom, floor, property, real estate, room, tile, gray
Interior view of this remodeled traditional condo by apartment, ceiling, daylighting, estate, floor, flooring, hardwood, home, house, interior design, plaster, property, real estate, room, wall, window, wood, wood flooring, gray
Interior view of this remodeled traditional condo by ceiling, dining room, furniture, home, interior design, living room, room, table, gray
Interior view of this remodeled traditional condo by ceiling, home, interior design, living room, room, wall, gray
Interior view of this remodeled traditional condo by ceiling, estate, floor, home, interior design, living room, real estate, room, gray
Interior view of this remodeled traditional condo by ceiling, home, interior design, living room, property, real estate, room, window, gray

The 1980s is quickly gaining a reputation, in regards to interior design, as the decade of the passing fad. Few, if any, aesthetic elements from this time have endured. It comes as no surprise that the new owners of this condominium were quick to address the pale peach palette and diluted design features that characterized the era that sought to free itself from good taste.

"There was certainly not a lot to redeem the interiors," says Monique Lafia, principal of Lafia/Arvin Design Corporation. "The location, however, is everything that Southern California is about the beach, the palm trees and the sun."

With an inspiring vista as a starting point, Lafia devised a new color scheme that would lend an element of the beach to the interior, yet be in keeping with the classic elements inherent in the period-style building.

"Crispness is often associated with a beach aesthetic, so I chose to accent the base colors with white to keep everything fresh. Slightly muted tones on the walls reference the classic style, which incorporates a muddiness in the colors, and the combination of both lends a very contemporary feel to the interiors. That way we established a comfortable modern style."

That each room should have its own palette was key to the look the designer was after, yet their configuration was problematic, says Lafia.


Interior view of this remodeled traditional condo by ceiling, home, interior design, living room, room, window, gray
Interior view of this remodeled traditional condo by Lafia Arvin

"The rooms flow from one to another, with no discernible start or finish point to each one. For this reason I had to experiment with colors to find schemes that would be at once self-referencing and complementary as you move through the home."

Similarly, a lack of symmetry within the individual spaces made the siting of furniture a challenge that required especial consideration from the designer.

"The rooms lacked that central axis, in the traditional sense, which you would build the design around. To ensure a balanced furniture plan, the pieces not only had to suit the needs of the clients, but had to be of a scale that suited the proportions of the condominium itself and were in concert with each other."

Despite these challenges, Lafia conducted an extensive remodeling project that required very little structural work to be carried out. The biggest change, structurally speaking, took place in the kitchen.

"The kitchen took some time to configure," says Lafia. "It needed to be beachy, but with a traditional feel. The existing high-gloss lacquered cabinets made way for mid-walnut cabinetry to give a warm softness that carries over into the adjacent dining area, through the use of farmhouse-style furnishings."

Interior view of this remodeled traditional condo by cabinetry, countertop, cuisine classique, interior design, kitchen, real estate, room, white, brown
Interior view of this remodeled traditional condo by Lafia Arvin

"With the theme established for these areas, it was apparent the cooktop could no longer be housed within the island, as the hood would have impinged upon the open nature of the design. The kitchen was reconfigured to site the cooktop along the rear wall," says Lafia.

Other considerations in the design scheme were, thankfully, of a cosmetic nature.

"In any design, lighting is all-important, and is an aspect I pay particular attention to," says Lafia. "For this project, I added a lot of ambient lighting wall sconces, lamps and the like as a way of contributing to the overall warmth of the spaces.

"Materials too, are prime to establishing warmth. Carpets were replaced with hardwood flooring throughout. Woods with burl accents or a pronounced grain also lend visual interest to a design. Above all, these elements have the timeless appeal the client was looking for."

Story by: Trendsideas

26 Oct, 2010

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