


Bokja story began with a name: Bokja* and soon turned into a verb. The coolest verb on the planet!

These exuberant pieces of furniture are the fruits of Beirut-based Hoda Baroudi and Maria Hibriall‘s labor. Working alongside artisans, the design duo reupholsters furniture using vintage Middle Eastern and Central Asian textiles.

Hoda Baroudi et Maria Hibri interpretation of Eames lounge chair for Bokja

Like your modern furniture with a little more pop? The Disque chair hits the mark with a Mid-Century form dressed in neutral geometric patterns and bright, bursting floral prints hand-picked from areas throughout Central Asia. Made in Lebanon by the Beirut-base...

Technicolor Furniture Collection Reuses Textiles of the Silk Road

These exuberant pieces of furniture are the fruits of Beirut-based Hoda Baroudi and Maria Hibriall‘s labor. Working alongside artisans, the design duo reupholsters furniture using vintage Middle Eastern and Central Asian textiles.

One-of-a-Kind Donut Chair at Gilt. Three thousand bucks! Gulp.

another great piece for the lounge....

The Bella chair hits the mark with a Mid-Century form dressed in strong solids, geometric patterns and bursting floral prints hand-picked from areas throughout Central Asia. Made in Lebanon by the Beirut-based design company, Bokja

These exuberant pieces of furniture are the fruits of Beirut-based Hoda Baroudi and Maria Hibriall‘s labor. Working alongside artisans, the design duo reupholsters furniture using vintage Middle Eastern and Central Asian textiles.

These exuberant pieces of furniture are the fruits of Beirut-based Hoda Baroudi and Maria Hibriall‘s labor. Working alongside artisans, the design duo reupholsters furniture using vintage Middle Eastern and Central Asian textiles.

Bokja house of dreams! In love with this fabric combo and the setting!

These exuberant pieces of furniture are the fruits of Beirut-based Hoda Baroudi and Maria Hibriall‘s labor. Working alongside artisans, the design duo reupholsters furniture using vintage Middle Eastern and Central Asian textiles.

Technicolor Furniture Collection Reuses Textiles of the Silk Road

No to the lamp but SOO yes to the chair - looks comfy to curl up & read in. Fun funky furniture

Story by: Trendsideas

10 Nov, 2015

Home kitchen bathroom commercial design

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