Facebook Tweet Help Stories Office Bending the rules Share Tweet Help Airports are noisy places, but with acoustic-rated curved glass panels you can keep the volume down and appearances up View of the sleek gass curved atrium at the DHL NZ offices WHEN IT COMES to noise pollution, there probably isn't anywhere you'll experience greater volume than at an airport.When DHL New Zealand was constructing its new Auckland Airport headquarters, it sought ways to reduce the impact of noise, while also providing an aesthetically interesting exterior. The resulting design features an attention-grabbing, double-volume atrium stairway, clad with curved, acoustic-treated glass manufactured by Glasshape.Glasshape is an Auckland-based company specialising in the shaping and curving of glass for both commercial and residential projects. WhisperShield, an acoustic-rated laminate for situations that require exceptional noise control and reduction, is one of the company's new developments.The glass panels installed at the DHL New Zealand base were manufactured using a 6mm Evergreen tint, which was laminated onto a 4mm clear float giving an 11mm-thick noise controlled glass panel. The sleek, curved panels are extremely resistant to the elements an important factor considering the high-strength winds that often buffet the airport and its surrounds.Glasshape products can be used for bay and feature windows, cabinetry, frameless balustrades, barrel vault entrances, conservatories and partitioning. Using a new toughening furnace the largest in Australasia Glasshape has the technology to produce certified curved and toughened glass, in sizes of up to 366cm x 244cm. Virtually any type and thickness of glass can be curved. View of the sleek gass curved atrium at the DHL NZ offices As well as manufacturing curved glass, Glasshape supplies a range of specialist intruder-resistant and other high-security types of laminated glass, including anti-cyclone glass for extra-high wind resistance.For more information, contact Glasshape, PO Box 358 Warkworth, Auckland, phone (09) 422 2565, fax (09) 422 2566. Email: glasshape@quicksilver.net.nz. Story by: Trendsideas 30 Mar, 2007 Office Trendsideas Home kitchen bathroom commercial design Latest Post Deep in the jungle 22 Dec, 2024 Mixing it up 22 Dec, 2024 Everyday opulence 15 Dec, 2024 We know the Specialists Related Book More Books > NZ2304 NZ2304 Read More Similar Stories