


Bend the rules curved toughened safety glass

Curved toughened glass from Glasshape

Glass safety rail around staircase. floor, glass, handrail, interior design, leisure centre, stairs, gray
Glass safety rail around staircase.

Curved glass elements can create the wow factor in a new home, but they can make a project more challenging and time consuming for the contractors.

Glasshape, a specialist in toughened curved safety glass, has changed all that, with the introduction of a new digital on- site measuring system that eliminates the need to make templates at the site.

The system allows Glasshape to take measurements earlier in the construction process, before standard templates would normally be made. Specialist technicians use the latest digital scanning software to produce electronic templates. The glass can then be manufactured and delivered on site before it is required, so builders don't have to wait for it.

Glasshape not only measures and manufactures the glass with an accuracy of +/- 2mm but can also deliver to site with full insurance cover.

Glass staircase. daylighting, floor, glass, handrail, hardwood, interior design, stairs, wood
Glass staircase.

The company, which has ISO9001 accreditation, can manufacture Temper-Shield curved toughened glass in extra-large sizes up to 3.9m high x 2.44m wide, which is the largest dimension available in Australasia. The glass is well suited to both residential and commercial architectural applications. Structural laminates are available for frameless glass balustrades.

For more details, contact Glasshape, 65-67 Woodcocks Road, Warkworth 0910, phone (09) 422 2565, fax (09) 422 2566. Email: info@glasshape.net.nz. Website: www.glasshape.co.nz.

Story by: Trendsideas

23 Sep, 2012

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