


Respecting the heritage value of the surrounding area was an integral part of the design brief for the Bullecourt multi-use apartment complex

view oof the luxalon sun louvres architecture, balcony, baluster, building, daylighting, daytime, facade, glass, handrail, house, line, siding, structure, window, black, white
view oof the luxalon sun louvres

Environmentally efficient designs don't always require high-tech solutions. Sometimes the simplest solution is best. Maximising the benefits of the sun, while reducing exposure to dangerous UV rays and furniture fading radiation, is as easy as managing the sunlight penetrating your home.

Luxalon sun louvres are specifically designed to provide buildings, and their occupants, with effective, long-term protection against direct solar radiation, says Warren Musgrave, Luxalon sales manager.

view oof the luxalon sun louvres architecture, balcony, baluster, building, daylighting, daytime, facade, glass, handrail, house, line, siding, structure, window, black, white
view oof the luxalon sun louvres

"Louvres provide excellent passive solar control, dramatically reduce heat gain, virtually eliminate glare and increase interior comfort," says Musgrave.

The Bullecourt complex faces east, so enjoys exposure to the morning sun. While watching a dawn sunrise might be pleasant, radiant heat can soon cause discomfort. Luxalon sun louvres reduce radiant heat entering the home, so air conditioning running costs are dramatically reduced.

view oof the luxalon sun louvres architecture, balcony, baluster, building, daylighting, daytime, facade, glass, handrail, house, line, siding, structure, window, black, white
view oof the luxalon sun louvres

For information contact Hunter Douglas, 338 Victoria Rd, Rydalmere, NSW 2116, phone (02) 9848 4700, fax (02) 9848 4750. Email: enquiries@luxalon.com.au. Website: www.luxalon.com.au.

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