


Private viewing

To enjoy your views undisturbed and keep the energy bills down, SunGard window film solutions provide an easy answer

A view of the living area, cream carpet estate, floor, flooring, home, interior design, living room, room, table, window, gray, brown
A view of the living area, cream carpet and seats, rug, wooden coffee table, long drapes, brown sofa, cream walls.

A chic way to enjoy your privacy without disrupting your views is to introduce a superior transparent window film.

SunGard offers a range of window films, suited to a variety of applications from control of the sun's rays to privacy, says general manager Kip Linden.

"Night Owl is a new generation of architectural film that is extremely light to look out through but cuts back glare at the same time," says Linden. "From the outside, however, it appears black, subtly shielding your family from view."

This room features windows and other glazing with architecture, ceiling, daylighting, home, house, interior design, wood, gray
This room features windows and other glazing with SunGard window film.

Surprisingly, Night Owl also allows you to look out your windows at night.

Nanoparticles replace more traditional reflective layers in the Night Owl film creating a near-invisible product with low reflectivity and high heat rejection, as well as glare reduction.

With SunGard films such as Night Owl there is less need for air conditioning, which helps reduce your carbon footprint.

View of a kitchen and dining area which cabinetry, ceiling, countertop, cuisine classique, floor, flooring, hardwood, interior design, kitchen, room, wood flooring, gray
View of a kitchen and dining area which features an island raised on stainless steel legs, timber floors, and windows with window films from SunGard.

"SunGard's solar control films reduce solar heat gain through windows by up to 83%," says Linden. "This shows up as a massive reduction in your energy bills."

Decorative, safety, anti-graffiti and automotive options are also available.

For details on your nearest SunGard Superstore, phone 138 831, or visit the website: www.sungard.com.au.

Story by: Trendsideas

22 Mar, 2010

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