Sitting on the bay
This waterfront home uses timber to great effect – both inside and out

Architect: David Vernon ArchitectPhotography by Derek Swalwell From the architect: The unique waterfront location of this new home in Brighton ensured that the design truly responded to its bayside environment. The underlying sand dune profile, buffeting coastal winds and frequent salt water spray presented challenges which informed the design approach. This new home incorporates robust design details reminiscent of nearby marine structures such as the Brighton Marina and Sea Baths with exposed off form concrete, timber cladding, and brick masonry with a distinctive undulating metal sheet roof acting as a counterpoint to the distant silhouette of the You Yang’s across the bay. Careful consideration was made of the amenity of this area especially with an adjoining dwelling designed by John Baird Architect in 1967. When viewed from the water this new house sits in sympathy to its early neighbour as was the apparent original intention when a third dwelling south of the site also formed part of this ensemble.
Story by: Trends
Home kitchen bathroom commercial design
Flair and functionality
Coastal connections
Downsizing in your own backyard