


Low-slung country home

Simply clad with corten steel and recycled timber, this home is positioned on the crest of a gentle hill and surrounded by paddocks with scattered trees

The front entrance is sheltered and inviting architecture, house, real estate, teal, gray
The front entrance is sheltered and inviting

Architect: Lachlan Shepherd ArchitectsAbout the project (text supplied): An honest, low-slung building, which sits sympathetically with its surroundings.

The living room and outdoor area open onto architecture, building, corporate headquarters, daylighting, facade, real estate, teal
The living room and outdoor area open onto the pool

Simply clad with Corten steel and recycled timber, the home is positioned on the crest of a gentle hill and surrounded by paddocks with scattered trees. Northern orientation allows winter sunlight and warmth to penetrate through a series of large operable glazed panels, whilst in summer, large fixed eaves keep the hot summer sun at bay. The house has been designed to be practically "indestructible" in accordance with client requirements - resulting in an easy cleaning, low maintenance, robust dwelling.

Story by: David Renwick

01 Feb, 2018

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