


Giraffes inspire water towers to aid Serengeti survival

See how structures designed by the aptly named Zoo Architects could help reduce degradation of the world's largest ecosystem 

Concept design by Micheal Wen and Li Bumi, Zoo Architects

In Africa, water has a dual nature. It is a source of life but may also bring danger – in the dry season, pools of water become ideal hunting grounds for carnivores. 

Building water storage devices in the African savanna to provide water to trees during the dry season provides a solution - acacia trees favor warm climates with abundant sunlight and are particularly drought-resistant, but may face severe water shortages during the summer months. 

The recent degradation of African savanna ecosystems is partly due to reduced soil moisture retention and increased runoff, leading to erosion of the ground. Water storage devices can serve to aid both plants and animals to survive the dry season, and may also indirectly provide them with sources of food.

Fire is an important natural process in the ecosystem of the African savanna: it promotes the growth of certain plants which are adapted to quickly recover after a fire. 

When a strong fire acts on the organic matter in the ground, it affects soil fertility and water retention capacity in a positive manner. Our project has been designed to withstand seasonal fires, and will provide improved soil quality in the process. 

The combination of fire and the project’s form, recalling the shapes of large termite nests, will have a positive impact on the area’s vegetation, improving soil structure and allowing for increased fertility and moisture retention. 

By contributing to the health and stability of the ecosystem, fire also heralds rebirth.

In developing the design, we gave particular attention to the spotted patterns on the coats of giraffes. 

The patterns provide camouflage, while giving these elegant animals a unique visual charm. 

When looking at the project structures from a bird’s eye view, a giraffe markings pattern has been used as the basis for distribution of the layout, forming a unique landscape in the savanna.

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