


Country fare - Resene Pacifika features on this glass splashback

Resene Pacifika features on this glass splashback

View of kitchen and lounge area. The owners architecture, countertop, house, interior design, kitchen, real estate, gray
View of kitchen and lounge area. The owners of this renovated queenstown house used wide openings, large windows and a specific colour pallette to create links with the outdoors.

When you live in a picturesque setting, it makes sense to enhance links with the outdoors, be it by wide openings, large windows or the colour palette chosen for the interior.

The owners of this renovated house near Queenstown used all of the above to help connect their living spaces to the natural surroundings. For the kitchen they chose to paint the colourbacked glass splashback in Resene Pacifika, a bold green that echoes the countryside.

The green contrasts with walls painted in Resene Alabaster a near white with a blackened edge.

View of kitchen and lounge area. The owners architecture, countertop, house, interior design, kitchen, real estate, gray
View of kitchen and lounge area. The owners of this renovated queenstown house used wide openings, large windows and a specific colour pallette to create links with the outdoors.

Karen Warman, Resene marketing manager, says paints recommended for broadwall areas include Resene SpaceCote Low Sheen and Resene Zylone Sheen.

"These are waterborne paints that are low-odour and Environmental Choice-approved. They are durable and easy to wipe down. And their slight sheen minimises surface imperfections, which makes them well suited to old and new homes."

Resene Blackboard Paint and Resene Write-On Wall Paint are other options for family areas, enabling you to write on walls without damaging them.

View of kitchen and lounge area. The owners architecture, countertop, house, interior design, kitchen, real estate, gray
View of kitchen and lounge area. The owners of this renovated queenstown house used wide openings, large windows and a specific colour pallette to create links with the outdoors.

For more information, or to pick up a copy of the latest fandeck, visit a Resene ColorShop, or freephone 0800 Resene (737 363). Website: www.resene.co.nz.

Story by: Trendsideas

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