Facebook Tweet Help Stories Bathroom , Interiors A bathroom trend that's sure to grow on you Share Tweet Help Greenwalls have become an increasingly popular design concept. Surprisingly, they can be great additions to your bathroom as well. There are a number of benefits to greening your bathroom Greenwalls have grown significantly in popularity this year and as a result, are more readily available in a variety of designs for bathrooms. There are a number of benefits to greening your bathroom including improved wellbeing and home air quality, absorption of pollutants and noise, and guaranteed aesthetic impact, now home improvement shows are driving the greenwall trend. Mark Paul, Founder of The Greenwall Company says, “With so many benefits to green living and design, the trend is evolving and becoming more popular. Greenwalls in the bathroom are low maintenance – they eliminate unwanted pollutants and toxic fumes from the bathroom and only need to be maintained a few times a year. Greenwalls in the bathroom are low maintenance “With green design being an influential part of the public domain, design interest has progressed and I have seen a significant increase in demand over the past 12 months. Adding a greenwall to your bathroom will give amenity and help regulate the temperature, and increase relative humidity and air oxygenation in your home,” says Mark. Adding a greenwall to your bathroom will give amenity and help regulate the temperature, and increase relative humidity and air oxygenation in your home Mark’s top 5 plants for bathroom greenwalls: Boston Fern [Nephrolepsis] – A popular variety of fern with cascading fronds, the Boston fern has pantropical to subtropical distributionBromeliads – Incredible plants that release oxygen and removes air pollutants during the night.Aroids – With beautiful foliage, amazing flowers and berries, they perform well indoors and in lower-light conditions.Gesneriads – African violet family, repeat flowering tremendously beautiful and eye-catching. It’s a perfect design feature for the bathroom.Peperomias – Peperomias clean the air with sympatric soil flora associations that bind and breakdown chemicals, such as formaldehyde or other indoor toxins associated with building construction and fitout. Story by: Trendsideas 29 Nov, 2018 Bathroom Interiors Trendsideas Home kitchen bathroom commercial design Latest Post Deep in the jungle 22 Dec, 2024 Mixing it up 22 Dec, 2024 Everyday opulence 15 Dec, 2024 We know the Specialists Similar Stories