


Ticks in all the boxes

Product familiarity and experience determined the choice of Palliside weatherboards for this home, owned by a Kerikeri builder

Exterior of home with cream coloured weatherboards and backyard, floristry, flower, garden, home, house, outdoor structure, plant, porch, real estate, siding, spring, window, yard
Exterior of home with cream coloured weatherboards and glass doors.

When specifying building materials for their own homes, contractors can usually draw on a wealth of experience and product familiarity. Their choices are a good endorsement for any product.

For Kerikeri builder Grant A'Court, there was never any question about the cladding of his new home.

"I used Palliside weatherboards on my last three projects, and I will be using them again on the next one," he says.

Exterior view of large two-storey weatherboard clad home cottage, estate, facade, home, house, property, real estate, residential area, roof, siding, sky, window, teal, green
Exterior view of large two-storey weatherboard clad home with upper balcony, paved veranda area and posts.

A'Court says there are several reasons for choosing Palliside, including the ease of application.

"This cladding is particularly easy to install. The boards come in standard 5.8m lengths, which are easy to handle and cut. There is also a full set of accessories, including moulded external corners that match the shape of the weatherboard. Everything fits together, ensuring a very smooth, weathertight finish."

To complement the home's colonial look, A'Court specified Palliside's Rusticated profile-woodgrain finish in the colour Tea.

Exterior of home with cream coloured weatherboards and backyard, floristry, flower, garden, home, house, outdoor structure, plant, porch, real estate, siding, spring, window, yard
Exterior of home with cream coloured weatherboards and glass doors.

Palliside's ease of maintenance and the fact that it never needs painting were other factors influencing its selection.

For further information on Palliside, contact the manufacturer, Dynex Extrusions Ltd, PO Box 19-133, Avondale, phone 0800 4 Dynex (439 639). Website: www.palliside.co.nz.

Story by: Trendsideas

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