


Checking the performance of building products before you begin a project makes good sense and is easily achieved by viewing a BRANZ appraisal

Exterior view of a villa-styled home which is cottage, estate, facade, farmhouse, home, house, property, real estate, villa, teal
Exterior view of a villa-styled home which is clad in weatherboards and has a steel roof.

Knowledge is the most reliable basis for confidence and often a little bit of research goes a long way to ensuring you are making the best decision, whether it be when building a home or undertaking a major renovation.

To provide consumers with that confidence, the BRANZ appraisal team examines products and systems at its specialist independent, impartial building research and testing facility. Evaluation is in line with the requirements of the New Zealand Building Code.

Russell Clarke, BRANZ appraisal project manager says the business specialises in dealing with high-risk products to give confidence about their use.

Exterior view of a villa-styled home which is cottage, estate, facade, fence, home, house, mansion, neighbourhood, property, real estate, residential area, villa, white, teal
Exterior view of a villa-styled home which is clad in weatherboards and has a steel roof.

"BRANZ has appraised potentially high-risk products and systems, including external cladding materials, waterproofing membranes and roofing," says Clarke.

Products and systems subjected to a BRANZ appraisal are all rigorously tested to check they meet the required standard.

To view a BRANZ appraisal, visit the BRANZ website and search by number (if known), product type or company name. A full appraisal can be downloaded for free.

Exterior view of a villa-styled home which is cottage, estate, facade, fence, home, house, mansion, neighbourhood, property, real estate, residential area, villa, white, teal
Exterior view of a villa-styled home which is clad in weatherboards and has a steel roof.

For details, contact BRANZ Appraisals, Private Bag 50908, Porirua, phone 0800 080 063. Website: www.branz.co.nz.

Story by: Trendsideas

27 May, 2010

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