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Te Pataka Korero o Te Hau Kapua - Devonport Library, Auckland

Coffey Education and Arts Property Award – Excellence Award This 950m² building responds to the evolving libraries delivery model. It features natural timbers that highlight a crafted, semi-residential design response. The library opens out to a park on the Devonport foreshore. Judges' CommentsThis “verandah in the park” features lofty, naturally ventilated double-height spaces that have a strong connection to the community, the street, and the framed harbour views.OWNERAuckland CouncilARCHITECT and urban design consultantAthfield ArchitectsSTRUCTURAL, SERVICES AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERAECOM NZQUANTITY SURVEYORRDT PacificCONSTRUCTION COMPANYNaylor Love ConstructionPROJECT MANAGERThe Building Intelligence GroupLandscape architectWraight and Associates