"For important details, we also consider something way more complex, such as the structure or colour of floors and walls, their application and mutual symbiosis with other, more subtle elements of the interior – such as switches, handles, sockets, etc.,” says Zuzana Kurz.
The new layout of the house allows its owners different levels of intimacy.
The ground floor is very open and invites the family to spend time together.
The second floor, on the other hand, remained divided into individual rooms despite necessary layout adjustments.
Both floors are rich in storage space.
Everything has its place of honour in the villa – that makes the rooms appear calm and very orderly.
A green roof was also designed and implemented for more efficient thermoregulation of the house, namely in cooperation with a company Zahradní architektura Kurz.
The overall results could not have been achieved without close cooperation with individual suppliers and mainly the company 4interior&tiles as the general contractor.