


European influence

Coloured concrete flooring provides a link between the interior of this house and the outdoor living areas

A view of some coloured concrete flooring from door, interior design, gray, white
A view of some coloured concrete flooring from Peter Fell.

To complement the European styling of the Greenhithe house, the designer specified concrete surfaces, both outdoors and in. These were coloured using the Peter Fell system.

Light-coloured concrete at the entrance gives way to a dramatic dark-grey polished concrete floor in the foyer. Scoured to resemble large flagstones, the floor has an aged patina similar to that seen in traditional Italian villas.

A view of some coloured concrete flooring by architecture, baluster, daylighting, glass, handrail, home, house, interior design, iron, stairs, structure, gray
A view of some coloured concrete flooring by Peter Fell.

The Peter Fell coloured concrete flooring flows through to a powder room, and down a short flight of steps that lead to the garage. Warren Pointon of Town & Country Residential says its durability makes it a highly practical option for such areas.

Peter Fell coloured concrete in a lighter shade was specified for all the ground-floor living areas. The same shade and scoured flagstone look also feature in the courtyard and pool surround, enhancing the indoor-outdoor connection.

A view of some coloured concrete flooring by fireplace, floor, hearth, interior design, patio, gray, black
A view of some coloured concrete flooring by Peter Fell.

As the colour is an integral part of the concrete surfaces, it won't chip off or wear away, even in high traffic areas.

For more information or to visit the showroom, contact Peter Fell Ltd, 81-83 Patiki Rd, Avondale, Auckland, phone 0800 4 A Colour (422 656). Website: www.peterfell.co.nz.

Story by: Trendsideas

27 Apr, 2007

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